Reviews and Patents

Refereed Reviews

  1. "A Review of the Fundamentals and Applications of LRS Microprobe Strain Measurements", by L. Schadler and C. Galiotis, International Materials Reviews, 40 (3) (1995) 116-134
  2. "Laser Raman Spectroscopy; A New Stress/Strain Measurement Technique for the Remote and On-Line Non-Destructive Inspection of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites" by C. Galiotis, Materials Technology, 8 (1993), 9/10, 203-209


  1. “Truss Structured Heavy Duty Composite Bridge”,GR patent No. 1003936, issued on 5/7/2002
  2. “Method and Apparatus for Measuring Raman Spectrum and Physical Properties In-Situ”, by J. Dupee, C. Galiotis and D. L. Davidson US Patent # 5,999,255, issued on 7/ 12/1999.