Konstantinia Papadimitriou
Dr. Papadimitriou D. Konstantinia is a Postdoc Fellow at FORTH/ICEHT since 2012. She has a BSc in Chemistry, a M.Sc. and a PhD in Polymer Science and Technology both from the Dept. of Chemisty, Advanced Polymers Hybrid Nanomaterials Research Laboratory, University of Patras. Her research was based on the synthesis and characterization of novel linear and cross-linked polymer electrolytes for use in High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) under the supervision of Prof. J. K. Kallitsis.
Since she obtained her doctoral degree (2012), she has worked as a Postdoc Fellow at FORTH/ICEHT and until 2013 her main research activities were: (i) the scale-up synthesis and optimization of cross-linked polymer electrolytes for use in HT-PEMFCs in collaboration with the company ADVENT TECHNOLOGIES S.A. (ii) Scale-up synthesis of monolithic catalysts based on metallic foam for the production of hydrogen from methanol.
In November of 2013 she joined the Composites and Nanomaterials Laboratoryheaded by Prof. Costas Galiotis as a Postdoc Fellow participating in “ERC 10” and “Graphene Flagship” projects where she worked on the chemical modification of graphene in order to achieve layer-by-layer graphene assemblies and the fabrication of graphene-reinforced nanocomposite materials.
Her current research activities are focused on the chemical modification of graphene and the production of Graphene-based Nanocomposites and more specifically with elastomeric polymer matrices aiming at the improvement of the mechanical properties and/or the electrical conductivity. She has published 9 pear reviewed papers in international refereed scientific journals and has actively participated in 15 international conferences/workshops/schools.